• Solo Exhibition of COPIC AWARD 2023 Grand Prize Winner, Seaon

Solo Exhibition of COPIC AWARD 2023 Grand Prize Winner, Seaon


We attended Seaon's first solo exhibition, following her win as the Grand Prize recipient of the COPIC AWARD 2023.
Please click here to view the award-winning work "Sensai" (meaning sensitive).

Solo Exhibition "Sunao" (meaning honest)

The venue was an old house that had been renovated and had a cafe attached to it. The gallery had a pleasant atmosphere with artwork displayed all around. The exhibition was titled "Seaon's Room," and it featured an installation that simulated the environment in which Seaon typically works. Visitors had the pleasure of discovering her works displayed in unexpected places, which strongly conveyed her commitment. Overall, it was a delightful experience for all who attended.

Congratulations on your first solo show! Please tell us how you came to organize this exhibition.

Thank you very much.

Winning the Grand Prize at the COPIC AWARD 2023 encouraged me to take a more serious approach to creating artwork. Although I initially wanted to have solo exhibitions after graduating from high school, I was hesitant to take the plunge. However, I was fortunate enough to be introduced to a gallery, which turned out to be a lucky break for me.

Could you tell us about the theme of this exhibition and your thoughts on it?

For my high school graduation, I organized a solo exhibition showcasing my past works. I named this exhibition "Sunao" because I poured my honest emotions, which I typically cannot express, into each of my pieces. It is challenging for me to articulate my real feelings through words alone, but I believe that my artworks can convey my sentiments and my true self. I have various aspirations and genres that I wish to explore, and I am grateful to the gallery owner for guiding me and providing me with the freedom to express myself in a way that aligns with my vision.

We would also like to congratulate you again for winning the Grand Prize in the COPIC AWARD 2023.
Have there been any changes in yourself or those around you since winning the prize?

My family and the people around me were delighted that I won the prize, but I feel blessed by the support of so many others. I was surprised at how many people, even those not initially interested in art, became fans of my work. This is something that winning an award is all about. 
With the confidence gained from winning the prize, I can challenge larger pieces now. Though I'm still exploring what I want to draw, lately, I find myself envisioning my creations more clearly, and my desire to create has grown stronger.

Please tell us about your future prospects.

I have not clearly decided yet, but I would like to communicate with many people through my work.
Of course, I always wanted to continue my creative career, but I forced myself to set clear guidelines and goals. 

However, participating in the COPIC AWARD and seeing different works made me realize there is no need to set rules for myself, and I strongly felt that I would like to share my works, which I have created following my heart, with others.

I would like to continue to explore and learn what kind of impact my works can have and how I can continue to express myself, and I would like to continue my creative activities while cherishing my feelings at the time.

Finally, could you give a message to those struggling in their creative activities and/or considering entering the COPIC AWARD 2024?
It may be challenging, but I encourage you to be honest about your feelings. There are many aspects of ourselves that we don't fully understand, even if we think we do. There's nothing wrong with that, but if you're unsure what to do, why not approach the AWARD application with the mindset of simply giving it a try?

I don't know what will impact me and how it's going to help me understand myself. Also, if you're pondering or worrying a lot, it might be difficult to take action right away. I believe it's better to put yourself out there at the most suitable time for you.

We believe Seaon's story of overcoming her creative struggles and holding a solo show was very insightful for those facing similar issues.
We want to thank Seaon for taking the time to share her story with us. We look forward to hearing more from her in the future.



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