COPIC AWARD 2023 Winners Announcement

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COPIC AWARD 2023, now in its 6th year, received over 3,900 outstanding entries from 82 countries.
Thank you for all your submissions!


Grand Prize

Judges' comments

I was captivated by the artwork's diverse line work, especially the exquisite depiction of skin using subtle, thin lines. It feels as though the entire canvas radiates the artist's emotions and reflects their character, like a self-portrait. What fascinated me the most was the harmonious blend of the artwork's spiritual depth and the use of Multiliner pens, which created a profound synergy.

(Mr. Oshimoto)

As I gazed upon the paper, I was struck by the fluid and imaginative pen strokes. The fusion of curves, straight lines, and dotted patterns spoke to my emotions, drawing me in and making me want to intricately trace each line in my mind. I found myself deeply engrossed in this three-dimensional, monochromatic world.

(Ms. Shinohara)

Second place

Space station - my anchor
Jiyoun Ha (fantastic_conceits!)
Key Colors
  • B29

  • B05
    Process Blue

  • Y15
    Cadmium Yellow

Judges' comments

Among the many intricately crafted artworks, this one distinguishes itself with its impeccable balance of composition and harmonious use of colors. The exquisite gradient from yellow to blue, along with the intricate portrayal of various individuals, makes admiring this artwork an ever-enjoyable experience from varying distances.

(Mr. Oshimoto)

The more you gaze upon it, the more it unveils its hidden charms. The portrayal of light is remarkably exquisite, and the artwork is densely packed with a wealth of details, leaving one to imagine that the artist took great pleasure in its creation.

(Ms. Hoshino)

Second place

Key Colors
  • BG11
    Moon White

  • BG34
    Horizon Green

  • BG07
    Petroleum Blue

Judges' comments

At first glance during the online judging stage, I found the piece to be a traditional flower-and-bird drawing, which gave me a somewhat typical impression. However, when inspecting the original artwork up close, I was able sense the beauty of the brushwork and the precision in the lines. I was truly impressed by the high level of skill.

(Mr. Takauchi)

The lines are so beautiful that it took my breath away when I saw the original drawing. It's a magnificent piece, balancing warmth and delicate expressions, truly a work of art.

(Ms. Hoshino)

Future Generation Art Prize(Youth Award): Grand Prize

Key Colors
  • R05
    Salmon Red

  • Y06

  • B93
    Light Crockery Blue

Judges' comments

As I was evaluating the entries, I tried to imagine the creative process behind each artwork. Among many pieces, this one stood out for being dreamy yet surreal. The artist’s excellent use of black in the background and architecture, coupled with their light and confident brushwork, made this piece a refreshing sight to behold.

(Ms. Shinohara)

The multi-layered buildings soaring high above the ground are truly impressive. I found myself tracing their summits, wondering how one might reach the top. Along the way, there are characters resembling rabbits and creatures resembling monsters, with various events unfolding. I'd love to see a picture book by Poco that resembles "Where's Waldo?".

(Mr. Takeuchi)

Judges' Awards selected by Katsura Hoshino

Key Colors
  • E30

  • W7
    Warm Gray No.7

  • E40
    Brick White

Judges' comments

The night sky and the cat's eyes are so captivating that the more you gaze at them, the more entranced you become. The meticulous depiction of the cat's fur radiates a sense of warmth. This piece profoundly touched my heart.

Judges' Awards selected by Tomoe Shinohara

Flowing curves
facebook instagram
Lucas Lu
Key Colors
  • YR09
    Chinese Orange

  • V04

Judges' comments

Abstract alcohol ink art is prevalent, but I found this piece remarkable for its exquisite portrayal of the grace with which goldfish float in water. It deserves praise for daring to depict a specific motif. I was moved by the skillful use of colors in this artwork, and it's so stunning that I would even consider using it as a pattern for a dress.

Judges' Awards selected by Yasuhiko Takeuchi

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Key Colors
  • BG11
    Moon White

  • B000
    Pale Porcelain Blue

  • YR04
    Chrome Orange

Judges' comments

This artwork portrays the imaginative world of the ocean enclosed within a glass marble, a concept that likely captivated many during their childhood. I held a positive impression of it right from its presentation during the online judging stage.

Judges' Awards selected by Kazutoshi Oshimoto

Key Colors
  • W3
    Warm Gray No.3

  • W5
    Warm Gray No.5

  • E93
    Tea Rose

Judges' comments

The artist has revealed that they've carried the weight of their own scars as a lifelong complex. I find the courage and strength to channel these emotions into art truly commendable. This resilience not only shines through the artwork's composition but also underscores its powerful nature. It's a captivating piece that offers more than visual pleasure; it conveys a profound sense of purpose for the artist.

pixiv Award

Spirits of the Pottery Store (Hidden Fluorescence)
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Key Colors
  • B16
    Cyanine Blue

  • Y19
    Napoli Yellow

  • YR68

Judges' comments

Initially, the character's cuteness caught my attention, and I was intrigued by the feature where the illustration shines and becomes prominent when exposed to UV light. While pixiv is primarily an online platform where I often encounter digital artworks, this piece stands out with its unique charm, made possible through analog art materials.

Social Media Award

あまく あまく とろける
twitter instagram
Key Colors
  • R000
    Cherry White

  • T0
    Toner Gray No.0

  • V91
    Pale Grape

Judges' comments

Needless to say, the technical skill in rendering ribbons, ruffles, and laces is outstanding. However, the greatest charm of this entry lies in the expression of the portrayed girl, especially in her beautiful eyes. The sweet yet mysterious feel in her eyes has fascinated many on social media as it leaves it up to the viewers to interpret and imagine her story.

Three-Dimensional Work Awards

twitter instagram
HARU bunny
Key Colors
  • YG01
    Green Bice

  • YG25
    Celadon Green

  • Y11
    Pale Yellow

Judges' comments

Beneath the clear blue sky, the adorable rabbits sprawled out, giving the impression of relishing the refreshing breeze. The intricate and vibrant coloring, along with the numerous delicate details, speaks volumes about the artist's impressive technical proficiency and unwavering focus.

Three-Dimensional Work Awards

Key Colors
  • BG45
    Nile Blue

  • R27
    Cadmium Red

  • Y35

Judges' comments

I found the idea of portraying coral as a stag's antler to be particularly fascinating.
It's easy to envision how the sunlight from above the sea would give it a vivid and colorful appearance, immersing the viewer in an underwater world.
What's especially striking is the diverse visual effects achieved with the red and blue sections.

Regional Awards: APAC

Summer time
twitter instagram
Tyo Mochi
Key Colors
  • G28
    Ocean Green

  • YR12

  • B26
    Cobalt Blue

Judges' comments


Regional Awards: EME

Key Colors
  • B06
    Peacock Blue

  • Y11
    Pale Yellow

  • R17
    Lipstick Orange

Judges' comments

Perfect combination of shading and blending of the colors and amazing 3D effect.

Regional Awards: NA

vvicc moonburst
stephen f. jamese
Key Colors
  • R35

  • W5
    Warm Gray No.5

  • 110
    Special Black

Judges' comments

Putting this ethereal 2D figure on a mirror adds further depth to the image. With all the pieces put together--the flowing garments, the shattering object above it, and the overall haunting imagery, I'm drawn into the story the piece tells.

Regional Awards: LATAM

Veni,vidi e amavi
Key Colors
  • Y18
    Lightning Yellow

  • V09

  • B14
    Light Blue

Judges' comments

Interesting use of the colours. Interesting message, you can interpret it in many ways.

Regional Awards: Africa

Performance 3
Jessica Caitlin Michaels
Key Colors
  • R29
    Lipstick Red

  • E43
    Dull Ivory

  • YG17
    Grass Green

Judges' comments

We love the originality of this artwork. There is a great attention to detail and a wonderful unique theme throughout. There is also a lovely use of colour.

Alcohol Ink Art Award

facebook instagram
Key Colors
  • RV29

  • B69
    Stratospheric Blue

  • 100

Judges' comments

When going over all the entries, I looked for creativity, skill, and originality in the artwork. "Noble Woman" by Atelier Sharaku stood out to me because it beautifully depicts a woman in a swinging dress. The artwork shows movement and flair, and it is very original and playful in its kind, combining collage and Copic inks to create a beautiful composition. It’s my honor to award you the Alcohol Ink Art Award. Congratulations!

(Anne Roos Smink)

Vexx Awards

Judges' comments

Congrats to the winners! It wasn’t easy to choose, since art is subjective, but in my eyes these artworks were the ones that showed the most amount of creativity, had the best color theory, and made their artwork with amazing execution.
Enjoy your prizes and keep creating!

Key Colors
  • E29
    Burnt Umber

  • BG000
    Pale Aqua

  • RV52
    Cotton Candy

Vexx Awards

Key Colors
  • B29

  • BG15

  • RV29

Vexx Awards

twitter instagram
Key Colors
  • RV02
    Sugared Almond Pink

  • V04

  • BV04
    Blue Berry

Applicants’ Choice Award

Key Colors
  • YR30
    Macadamia nut

  • BG70
    Ocean Mist

  • R00
    Pinkish White

Judges' comments

As part of my work for the official Instagram account (@copic_award), I have had the opportunity to view hundreds of artworks submitted for the Copic Award. This piece, in particular, stands out in my memory due to its incredible level of detail and craftsmanship.

The artwork in question features stunning rendering of the mermaid scales, sea, and foam details, bringing the characters to life in a way that is both mesmerizing and haunting. The mermaid's delicate features add to the overall impression of the piece, creating a sense that the characters could come to life at any moment.

This particular artwork was not only impressive to the entire Copic team but also to the other participants in the award. It received the most "♡" (favorites) out of all of the submissions and was awarded the "Applicants' Choice Award". Congratulations!

Team Copic Awards

Key Colors
  • BG96

  • YG91

  • YG21

Judges' comments

This artwork captivates with the richness of its expressions and a depth akin to a drawing, achieved through the effective use of precise shading. The vitality of the sunlit trees, the subtle blues and pinks reflected on the water's surface, and the overall impression created by these elements demonstrate a high level of skill. While the foreground figures are depicted with a relatively simple style, their synergy with the background makes this piece truly engaging and deserving of careful examination.

Team Copic Awards

Key Colors
  • E70
    Ash Rose

  • YR20
    Yellowish Shade

  • R14
    Light Rouge

Judges' comments

The brilliant and intricate gradients are simply mesmerizing. The way the colors meld seamlessly in the characters' hair and attire, despite the diverse range of hues used, creates a harmonious and unified whole. This piece is filled with exquisite details that invite endless scrutiny. I can only imagine the original artwork holds even more captivating depth. I look forward to the chance of admiring the original piece in person someday.

Team Copic Awards

"Architecture of a Peacock"
Key Colors
  • RV17
    Deep Magenta

  • BG45
    Nile Blue

  • Y08
    Acid Yellow

Judges' comments

While incorporating a wide spectrum of colors, the artwork maintains a harmonious tone, showcasing Daniel's experimentation with different facets of Copic, as mentioned in the comments.
The precision in brushwork makes it an artwork that you'd want to explore down to the finest details.

Team Copic Awards

Listen to you heart - by Falafymns
Key Colors
  • YR31
    Light Reddish Yellow

  • RV63

  • R24

Judges' comments

I was immediately drawn to this piece’s strong presence while still maintaining a gentle and soft touch as if it were a page from a children’s book. The different textures of the paper used for the three-dimensional elements and the interplay of light and shadow gave the piece a unique warmth that only analog artworks can offer. Surrounded by delicately depicted flowers, this artwork invites you to take your time and engage with it.

Multiliner Award

Key Colors
  • Y06

  • R11
    Pale Cherry Pink

  • C2
    Cool Gray No.2

Judges' comments

Among the many exceptional pieces created with Multiliner pens, this piece stood out because of its intricate level of detail. The well-balanced use of colors adds to the grandeur of this monochromatic piece, creating a harmonious composition. Despite its title, "Nayami (Worries)," the motifs in the piece carry a certain charm, and I felt there was a concealed story in the background. I look forward to exploring more of the artist's work.


    • m-no
    • instagram
    • Grandma's Candies
    • Ariane d'Artagnan
    • instagram
    • Birth
    • Eiko
    • twitter twitter instagram
    • どっと。
    • 餃子サイダー。
    • twitter instagram
    • Summer time
    • Tyo Mochi
    • twitter instagram
    • The Cocktail bar
    • Missmetoday
    • instagram
    • Opuntia
    • META
    • 孔雀図
    • シマサトミ
    • instagram
    • Aerial (indeterminate)
    • Nick Naber
    • instagram
    • Summer night
    • Sylvain Bordesoules
    • instagram
    • スヤスヤと
    • kobock
    • instagram
    • あらしになるまえに
    • TAKUMI
    • instagram
    • Durban flavour
    • Benjamin Horner
    • Gummy Colorwheel
    • WeezyBear Studios
    • twitter instagram
    • my comfort food
    • Marshy
    • 繊細
    • しぃおん
    • instagram
    • Crimson Veins of EDSA
    • Arzel Kyle Herrera
    • instagram
    • Flowing curves
    • Lucas Lu
    • twitter instagram
    • Cat family
    • Sumika
    • twitter instagram
    • Me
    • Cooper
    • instagram
    • 米可蘿の植培室
    • Orca
    • twitter twitter instagram
    • アクアリウム
    • 紗織
    • twitter twitter instagram
    • 色が溢れる
    • Hee Sun Kim
    • twitter twitter instagram
    • 忆江南
    • 余杰
    • Spirits of the Pottery Store (Hidden Fluorescence)
    • elquijoteART
    • twitter twitter instagram
    • クッキーとぼうしとドーナツ
    • 木村真由子
    • instagram
    • ずっとこの"青春"が続いてほしい
    • KITI
    • twitter instagram
    • OFF
    • twitter instagram
    • クルル
    • soraguma
    • 芍薬
    • ザクロ グミ
    • 薔薇
    • yuzu
    • お囃子
    • sugo.a
    • twitter instagram
    • "Architecture of a Peacock"
    • Daniel Luskin
    • instagram
    • Happy!
    • sisa
    • instagram
    • 君は流星
    • CYON
    • instagram
    • ニョロポン
    • ぽこ
    • instagram
    • You deserve the best
    • Chihiro Hasu
    • twitter instagram
    • 星夜にキュン
    • ゆるきなお
    • Natural Beauty
    • Herownreality
    • twitter instagram
    • うつくしい喧嘩
    • Braid
    • instagram
    • Listen to you heart - by Falafymns
    • Falafymns
    • instagram
    • Atelier MōGA
    • instagram
    • 自游
    • 黃立維
    • twitter instagram
    • Sanctuary
    • Kat Young (KatArt Illustrations)
    • twitter twitter instagram
    • 恋味
    • moco
    • twitter
    • 不吉な縁起物
    • おネズミさん
    • twitter
    • あと五分待って!!
    • 暮部
    • twitter instagram
    • Veil
    • 日陰眠子
    • Space station - my anchor
    • Jiyoun Ha (fantastic_conceits!)
    • instagram
    • Laboratory rabbit’s purpose
    • Ahiko4
    • instagram



Manga Artist




Editor-in-chief, Illustration magazine


Associate Professor of Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music/Artist

COPIC AWARD final judging report

On a certain day in September 2023, the final judging session for COPIC AWARD 2023 took place.

For this COPIC AWARD, we received over 3,900 entries from artists all around the world. Out of these entries, 50 carefully selected original artworks were sent to the Copic headquarters in Tokyo for the final round of judging.

COPIC AWARD is one of the top-rated open art competitions in Japan that specifically targets artworks created using traditional analog materials. With the high number of entries, the judges remarked that the initial selection of artworks during the online phase was exceptionally challenging. However, on the day of the final judging, as they viewed the selected pieces in person, their eyes lit up with the enthusiasm emanating from the pieces.

The sight of the judges confronting all the artworks from various angles, adjusting their perspective to match the artwork, left a profound impression. The judges were not only assessing the techniques used in the artworks but were also making an effort to understand the emotions each applicant had imbued in their pieces. During the judging process, the venue resonated with expressions of admiration for the artworks.

The energy emanating from the original pieces, showcasing the artist's meticulous craftsmanship and unique dedication, often challenging to convey in online judging through a monitor screen, held a remarkable quality. This captivated not only the judges but also the AWARD team staff, who were intensely engaged in examining the pieces. This captivated not only the judges but also the AWARD team staff, who were intensely engaged in examining the artworks.

Mr. Oshimoto, who also served as a judge in the previous AWARD, was surprised by the overall quality of the entries, saying "This year, there were many highly polished pieces."
Ms. Shinohara and Ms. Hoshino had their first encounter with original "Alcohol Ink Art" created using Copic refill ink, and this novel Copic technique, distinct from traditional approaches, provided them with artistic inspiration through the submitted pieces.

The Grand Prize-winning piece for COPIC AWARD this year was "Sensai (Delicate)" by Shiion. It is a monochromatic piece created primarily using Copic Multiliner pens While the adept use of various line widths in Multiliner and techniques like stippling was certainly noteworthy, viewing the original artwork in person revealed intricate details that were challenging to perceive during online judging. Despite being a black and white piece, it masterfully conveyed a rich spectrum of the artist's emotions, creating an illusion as if a wide range of colors were employed.
Until now, no piece created solely with Multiliner has ever won the Grand Prize, making this a remarkable piece that allows us to once again appreciate the diversity and potential of COPIC AWARD.

Many of this year's winning pieces were intricately detailed.
The winner of the Next Generation Award, poko, mentioned that the artwork was created without the use of any preliminary sketches.

COPIC AWARD gathers a multitude of art pieces that evoke powerful emotions. It is impossible to predict which pieces will capture the attention of the judges.

Ms. Hoshino, one of the judges, emphasized, Participating in COPIC AWARD is not about winning. What truly matters is engaging with the Copic medium within the confines of time, expressing your true self, completing your artwork, and unwaveringly seeing it through to the end.
Even if your piece did not secure a spot among the selected or winning pieces this time, we genuinely hope that you'll continue creating art that satisfies your own standards. The pieces you create with heartfelt dedication are bound to leave a lasting imprint on someone's heart across the world.

Additionally, we're thrilled to announce the forthcoming 7th edition of the event, "COPIC AWARD 2024." Details will be gradually unveiled on the official AWARD website and social media channels.
We encourage you to submit artwork that reflects what you're passionate about drawing, what brings you joy in the creative process, what artistic avenues you wish to explore, and the messages you want to convey to the world. We look forward to seeing your artwork in the next AWARD.



If you still have issues and would like to request assistance,
please send a message from contact form.